July 12, 2005

Beijing University Shenzhen hospital 6


I thought the Chingrish on the signs was kind of funny. This hospital also has a unit for assisted reproductive services and one for cervical cancer. This is also a hospital that foreigners get referred to.

Posted by Christine at 02:58 PM | Comments (1)

Beijing University Shenzhen hospital 5


Posted by Christine at 02:54 PM

Nuclear Medicine Dept


Posted by Christine at 02:53 PM

Beijing University Shenzhen hospital 3


Posted by Christine at 02:50 PM

Beijing University Shenzhen hospital 2


The infusion room- where I got IVs of penicillin- in the VIP section of the hospital.

Posted by Christine at 02:48 PM

Beijing University Shenzhen hospital 1


this sign was over a bed in the infusion room (VIP section of the hospital).

Posted by Christine at 02:45 PM

bike repair shop


the building across from mine.

Posted by Christine at 02:42 PM



Posted by Christine at 02:38 PM

Lian Hua Er Cun view


I live on the top floor (7th) in a building at Lian Hua (Lotus Flower) Er Cun (second village) and this is my view as I climb the 7 flights of stairs to get to my place. The staircase is open air and I prefer this to being in an elevator although it does suck when you realize you've forgotten something in the apartment and need to head back up the stairs.

Posted by Christine at 02:34 PM

July 03, 2005

high rises in Futian, Shenzhen


these are probably about 30 stories high, not so tall.

Posted by Christine at 08:05 PM

unexpected sign to see in China


Posted by Christine at 08:02 PM

what I like about Shenzhen


Posted by Christine at 08:00 PM | Comments (1)

war monument in Shenzhen


Posted by Christine at 07:58 PM

sprite on fire


Posted by Christine at 07:34 PM

wine in a can


this was a first for me. Surprisingly, the wine was drinkable but barely. Not surprisingly, the wine out of China isn't so great. I had a Canada Day/4th of July party at my place last night and several people brought the same kind of wine I had bought for the get together- Great Wall, Cabernet Sauvignon 1999. It's a tad better than the cheap Cabernet Sauvignons available in the states but nothing I care to bring back to the states or Canada with me.

Posted by Christine at 07:27 PM

behind the school I work at 2


Posted by Christine at 07:18 PM

behind the school I work at


Posted by Christine at 07:16 PM

Yellow Club in Shenzhen 6


Posted by Christine at 07:11 PM

Yellow Club in Shenzhen 5


Posted by Christine at 07:10 PM

Yellow Club in Shenzhen 4


Posted by Christine at 07:08 PM

Yellow Club in Shenzhen 3


In Shenzhen and Hong Kong, drinking games in clubs involving rock, paper, scissors and dice thrown via a Yahtzee style container are common.

Posted by Christine at 07:06 PM

Yellow Club in Shenzhen 2


Posted by Christine at 07:03 PM

Yellow Club in Shenzhen 1


Posted by Christine at 07:01 PM