November 16, 2005

backyard 1.jpg

what follows are some pics from the backyard and pics from the walk I took tonight.

Posted by Christine at 01:31 PM

backyard 2.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:29 PM

banana tree.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:28 PM

flower birds.jpg

these flowers remind me of skinny orange and purple birds.

Posted by Christine at 01:27 PM

maui 2.1.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:25 PM

maui 4.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:23 PM

maui 5.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:22 PM

maui 6.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:21 PM

maui 7.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:20 PM

maui 10.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:16 PM

no cows.jpg

usually when I pass by here, there are lots of cows but of course there are none when I finally bring the camera.

Posted by Christine at 01:15 PM

paper flowers.jpg

these petals remind me of paper.

Posted by Christine at 01:12 PM

pine cones tree.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:11 PM


Posted by Christine at 01:10 PM

November 15, 2005

it's a start

maui 2.jpg

I finally remember to borrow my friend's camera to take with me on my walks and of course it's when I go right before sunset and while it's overcast. These are the best of the batch, I hope to take and upload more Maui pics soon :-) I still have several batches of Shenzhen pics to upload but I haven't felt too motivated to post those yet, hopefully soon. I've disallowed comments on most of the pics due to spammers.

Posted by Christine at 01:48 PM

maui 3.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:48 PM

maui 11.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:47 PM

maui 12.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:46 PM

maui 14.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:46 PM

maui 16.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:45 PM

maui 17.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:45 PM

maui 19.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:44 PM

maui 18.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:41 PM

maui 20.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:40 PM

maui 22.jpg

Posted by Christine at 01:39 PM