February 08, 2005

it's not everyday you see a hot air balloon


so I went to go to the market to buy some fresh tofu. I got sidetracked into visiting Kowloon Park (photos follow). Then I wound up in Tsim Sha Tsoi but there weren't any cool LNY decorations about so I headed back to the market. Then in the distance (this pic) I see a hot air balloon- wtf? Since it was kind of sort on my way, I head over to check it out, I had to. It seems this company is selling tickets to take a tethered, 120 feet, hot air balloon experience for about $20 USD. Though I'd prefer a higher, untethered ride I've never been in a hot air balloon at all and I love being up in the air so I got a ticket. I was supposed to go up tonight but they called me to say the rides were cancelled tonight due to the winds. So, I'll have to pick another night this week to go.

Posted by Christine at February 8, 2005 09:25 PM

Hi christine,

Liked the balloon photos & will print out copies for my wall in my home in Macau which is covered in pictuires of balloons I have flown around asia. Hopefully the weather will settle down soon. It was good last night but the visibility was dreadfull. Rest assured Above China balloons will soon be offering proper balloon flights without ropes over in Guandung province probably from about May this year.

Jerry Cooke
Chief Pilot, Above China Balloons

Posted by: Jerry Cooke at February 18, 2005 02:03 PM